Talks & Workshops

Interactive, engaging and thought-provoking sessions around performance, development and well-being psychology.

Talks, Workshops and Masterclasses:


Whether you need a quick lunch & learn, or a full half-day workshop so you and your team can ‘go deep’ on an issue we have lots of great options for you.

Check out some of the topics I talk about below and you can even watch the full youtube videos of previous talks to give you a feel for my style.

All talks and workshop topics can be delivered as:

All Talks and workshops are fully interactive.

Our Talks/Workshops can be tailored to suit any audience:

Motivation and you – A formula for motivation

  • What motivates us? Why are we motivated sometimes – but not others? What do you do when you’re not feeling motivated?
  • This talk/workshop investigates these questions using classic psychological theories, and will help those who attend address their motivation issues using a simple ‘motivation’ formula and the ‘motivation index.

The New Normal & Return to the Workplace – Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Headspace

The Covid Pandemic confronted all of us with fundamental life changes and new challenges. Now, as we approach the return to the workplace and the new normal – new challenges await.

Join us to explore some practical and psychological strategies to help deal with the ‘new normal’. Some aspects and elements of the pandemic are out of our control – however there are psychological strategies that can help to increase happiness and reduce negative emotion

Finding Meaning and Purpose in 2021

  • Feeling like another cog in a machine? Not sure why you’re doing what you’re doing? What is having a sense of meaning and purpose? How do we define what’s important? What are the types of goals, activities and actions that give us a sense of meaning and purpose? How can we find meaning and purpose in our everyday lives?
  • This workshop addresses these questions as well as outlines three simple strategies to get more meaning and purpose into our personal and professional lives.

How to be happier in 2021 and beyond. Wellbeing 101.

  • What makes us happy? Why do the things that I think will make me happy, not make me happy?’. What is ‘Wellbeing’ and how do I get more of it?
  • This talk and workshop look at these questions, as well as provide your team with a range of practical strategies to improve happiness and wellbeing.

Procrastination: Sometimes starting is the hardest part…

  • Ever wondered why you avoid or delay doing those things you know you should be doing now?
  • This talk/workshop discusses procrastination – when we avoid doing something, even though we know we’ll regret it later! We all do it – and we’d all like to do it less!
  • Your team will learn the how and why of procrastination, and how we procrastinate differently depending on our personality and situation. Participants will then be brought through multiple strategies, including instant ‘hacks’ to battle and overcome procrastination.

Stress – What is it and what to do about it!

  • What actually is stress and why is it so bad for us? This talk discusses the mechanics of stress & its negative effects on our mind, body and performance.
  • Your team will also learn numerous strategies to address the symptoms of stress, and how to pick a strategy that will be most effective for their situation. Sometimes we need to focus on our body, sometimes our mind and sometimes our situation – this talk will help you make an informed decision and choose a solution that works for you.

Workshop Testimonial Quotes

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